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Showing posts from March, 2011

Birth Control and Swinging Part II - The Pill

[[ I'll start this off by saying I'm not a doctor , again, so if you have any questions about your specific sexual or overall health, your health care practitioner would be the person to as ('cause they know stuff about your dangly bits and whatnot) ]] The birth control pill is a chemical method of birth control (and department of redundancy department is redundant). As of right now it is being made for women only.  There are two types of pills available, estrogen and progesterone pills.  They do the same thing in two different ways.  When used correctly, the pill is considered over 99% effective.  They can't say 100% for anything because there is always a chance. The human body is a miraculous thing and weird shit happens all the time.  The pill only protects against pregnancy. It does not protect against any kind of STD or STI. How it works:   Birth control pills inhibit pregnancy in three ways. 1. When taken properly, the pill will keep ...

Bling bling on a ping ping

I love genital piercings! Love, love, love them. And now I want to give out some information on safe genital piercing and all that crap. This post covers basic info about genital piercings and standard piercings. Enjoy. Have the obligatory "I'm not a doctor" rhetoric and all that jazz. Although, doctors tend to be very poor references as far as body piercing goes. There is a lot of negative stigma associated with body piercing and doctors often give out poor advice in regards to healing piercings or dealing with possibly infected piercings. Find a qualified piercer with a brain and a clean studio.  If your piercer has never heard of the word "autoclave" then you should be running away as fast as your little legs will carry you.  An autoclave is an instrument that looks kind of like a 1foot cube steel pressure cooker that can completely sterilize instruments, jewelry and other interesting things. If you fail to see these things, or see something that makes ...

March Updates

February sucks and I'm glad it's over.  It has consistently been the worst month of the year for me for ever. Onto March! Coming up this month: The continuation of the birth control and swinging posts, our first swinging experience (D has agreed to help me write it). I've got a few other draft posts but honestly, they suck and I'm just moving info to more useful posts from them.  I plan to cover some common STD/STI's that are not very well known as well (including HPV especially). There is so much..non-info about that virus it's not even funny. I know someone is reading this thing. Blogger is cool enough to allow me to access stats about who is viewing from where, what OS they use, etc. Its pretty spiffy. That said, if you have a question or a topic you would like me to address toss me an email if you don't want to comment. :)