It really is feast or famine for me with this isn't it. Sorry everyone, stepped out of the country for a week and that basically consumed most of my July and August. I'm back now, getting my life in order and readjusting to 'murica. Drinking the tap water, it is awesome. In September, i'm doing a lot of stuff. I'm teaching the following classes at the following events, so feel free to come see me :3 FetFest 2013 - Do It Like an Animal: Pet Play (9/1) Touch of Flavor 2013 - BDSM 101 (9/7-9/8) BDSM Essentials Discussion Group - Expecting the Inevitable: What to do when a Scene Goes Wrong (9/14) I've had a ton of play this week that i'm debating what to write about... I'll get there when i get there. I do need to do some reflective writing. Hope all you lovely people out there in internet land are doing well.
Stories from the life and adventures of Ren Laine, resident Executive Pervert, Bootblack, Coyote and event coordinator. [she/her][they/them][that bitch]