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Showing posts from January, 2012

Article: When Safewords are Ignored

This article from covers some controversial topics in the BDSM community.  We make it a point to dictate the difference between abuse and BDSM is consent. But what happens when that consent is taken away? View the entire article including links by clicking below. When safe words are ignored Women in the bondage and kink scene are speaking out about sexual assaults in the community, and calling for change. Maggie Mayhem is dressed like a kinky dictator. Standing onstage at San Francisco’s Center for Sex and Culture, her olive-green military cap and knee-high-heeled boots belie the vulnerable subject at hand. “The first time I was ever raped,” she starts, her throat tightening around her words, “it was actually on a date with somebody from my local S/M community.” The 27-year-old sex educator and fetish model has never before publicly shared the story of her sexual assault, but the purpose of this evening’s event, a “consent culture” fundraiser, is so that sh...

Protips for a Happy Vagina

I'm pretty sure i've posted something along these lines before, but way too many women are completely unaware of how their own anatomy works so, here's to you ladies. Go get a copy of Greys Anatomy or google anatomical vagina and learn some stuff. This is a responce to a poster on another forum asking about how her vagina is supposted to smell. She indicated a sour smell. Here is my responce. Vaginas do have a natural scent to them. If your crotch smells like a dumpster, or the ocean, or the bay at low tide, you've most likely got BV (Bacterial vaginosis) this is NOT an sti/std, it's just an imbalance in the bacterial flora. It can happen for 1 of 1000 reasons. You may need to see the doctor, but there is a product out there called RePhresh (can be found in any target/cvs/walmart/whatever) that is made to deal with BV. Doctors will often put you on antifungals to deal with BV. They'll put you on Antibiotics to deal with yeast infections. You can try...

Not to get all Political, Except for all the Politicals.

I can not stand Rick Santorum.  The reasons for this are many (like, unending) and considering the fact that i'm from Pennsylvania, i've never voted for him.  I'm glad Pennsylvanians declined to re-elect him. Except for the fact that he's now started hovering over the political pundancy like an eleven year old hovers over a table and grossly masturbates to the first found issue of  National Geographic. I'm a new voter.  I'm also a single issue voter.  One of my debit cards gives pennies to Susan G. Koman for the Cure, the other gives pennies for every transaction to Human Rights Campaign .  What do these two organizations have in common? They help people.  I'm into helping people. Maybe not by raising thousands of dollars (although i've managed to do a bit of fundraising in my day) and not by calling senators or sending them angry emails (done that as well, i'll never get those hours back spent on the phone or the money in postage but i have to a...

30 Days of Kink: Day 4

Any early experiences that, in retrospect, hinted at your kinks? I did tie a high school boyfriend to a bedpost with a dog collar but... I don't think that really says anything about me. All the cool kids were doing it. The short answer is no, i didn't become cool until my early 20s.

And the New Definition of Rape is...

For the first time since the 1920's the definition of what rape actually is has been updated! This is fantastic news. The definition of rape now applies to people of any gender! Not just those female bodied!  See the full article at the New York Times here . U.S. to Expand Its Definition of Rape in Statistics By CHARLIE SAVAGE   Published: January 6, 2012 WASHINGTON — The federal government is changing its longstanding definition of “forcible rape” in compiling national crime statistics — expanding both the definition of victims, to include males, and the types of sexual assault that will be counted in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Report . The new definition, which has been in the works for several months and was formally announced by the Obama administration on Friday, will replace a narrower definition of “forcible rape” with one that includes, among other things, forcible oral or anal penetration. The narrower definition, which is lim...

January Updates

Hello all you out there in Internet land.  Happy New Year, hope all of you survived well and had an enjoyable time. Did you make any fun New Years resolutions? I probably did. What kind of things did you want to see in the blog? Any ideas or specific topics you'd like to see covered? I'd love, for the new year, to add more user-related material and information or user-generated questions (hint-hint). On the menu for 2012: Continuing 30 days of kink Additional personal stories More about Kamm and i's journey More BDSM information Resources on how and where to find toys and equipment