I'm a new voter. I'm also a single issue voter. One of my debit cards gives pennies to Susan G. Koman for the Cure, the other gives pennies for every transaction to Human Rights Campaign. What do these two organizations have in common? They help people. I'm into helping people. Maybe not by raising thousands of dollars (although i've managed to do a bit of fundraising in my day) and not by calling senators or sending them angry emails (done that as well, i'll never get those hours back spent on the phone or the money in postage but i have to assume its for the greater good).
My single issue voting is for sexual freedom which encompasses women's rights. I don't want the government in my vagina or my bedroom or in my dungeons or in my pornography. Almost all of the GOP candidates want to shrink government down so much that they can actually get inside my vagina. Does this sound appealing to you? Here's a hint. Religious fundamentalists ala Michelle Bachman, Sara Palin, Rick Santorum and the rest of their ilk (yes i know at least two of those are not in the race for the GOP presidential vote) care about removing women's full reproductive rights. They fume at the fact that women can have consensual sex without any biological consequences. If pregnancy was a risk of any sexual encounter? They'd cheer. They were ecstatic about the HPV strains that were linked to cervical cancer. Women can get cancer from sex? YIPEE! They're against the HPV vaccine, a vaccine that saves lives because now women can be sexually promiscuous! Religious fundamentalists would, can and do vote to let women die because of their sexual choices.
These people aren't here to help anything. They're here to set women's rights back as far as they can push them. They also hate gay people. And non-monogamous people. And anyone who isn't straight (because there's more open sexualities than just straight and gay).
Say no to the crazy people, please. And for those of you not in the United States, my apologies for the political ranting, but this stuff is important to me. If my rights to have the kind of sexual relationships i want are taken away, what is the point of this blog? What is the point for me to share my knowledge and opinion on all this fun shit if it's against the law?
Oh, and here, have another article detailing more reasons why Rick Santorum's last name is something you should never google.
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