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Those Crazy Vaginas

This is an important, albeit rarely mentioned issue that I hear about between couples. I just hear about it from women.

There are so many sex toys and sex related products that can cause women serious problems! Yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, vaginal discomfort, allergic reactions, chemical burns... You name it. I recently replied to another blog about issues the author had been having at one point and how to remedy them. I'd like to share the information I shared with her to all of you.

This will help everyone's sexy parts stay healthy and sexy longer. :) Now, the advice below is assuming anyone with a vagina that is experiencing chronic yeast infections has seen their doctor and ruled out other issues (PH imbalance caused by; diet, STI, hormone changes, drugs, etc). Also, please keep in mind a lot of yeast infections are not actually yeast infections, they can also be bacterial vaginosis. If you're unsure of the symptoms of each, see your doctor :)

The main differences between BV and a yeast infection are; discharge, smell and discomfort. Yeast infections have thick kind of cottage cheesy discharge and severe discomfort usually in the form of itching and burning (and hatred). BV has a notoriously fishy smell and can be accompanied by greyish discharge. Women can get BV or a yeast infection through no fault of their own. The causes of BV aren't really even fully understood. If you think you're having a problem, talk to your doctor. They'll be able to help you, they see stuff like this all the time and you have nothing to be ashamed of. They will help you get healthy again. BV and Yeast infections occur because of imbalances between the flora that naturally live in the vagina.

In order to remedy  vaginal discomfort and ongoing yeast infections, get a lubricant you know you aren’t allergic too. Something from one of the fun websites or from your local pharmacy (test it out before a date to make sure you’re non reactive). I’d recommend lubes WITHOUT any type of sweetener or fructose on them. Unfortunately many lubes have these types of sweeteners in them to make them taste better. These sweeteners can cause yeast infection and vaginal discomfort in a lot of women. 

Buy un-lubricated condoms and make sure your partner uses the lube you bring. If you’re getting sore, add some lube. Depending on hormones, arousal level, drugs in your system (Rx, OTC or otherwise) can effect your self lubrication. Just add some lube, you can always wipe it off if its too much. Many people also have latex allergies.  Most condoms are made from latex. Polystyrene condoms are available in stores right along side latex condoms. They have the same effectiveness for STI and pregnancy protection, they just won't cause people trouble that have latex allergies.  Trojen Supras and Lifestyles Skyn condoms are the two I've tested out.

Also, if your partner (or you) are using any toys, put a condom on them as well. Some toys have a nasty chemical coating on them as part of the manufacturing process. Always wash toys thoroughly (like through the dishwasher a time or two if you’re able). Adding a condom keeps any of the chemicals from getting into you. Most penetrative toys are marketed as “entrainment only” products, or “not to be used for penetration” so they can get away with that. 

Also, shower thoroughly after a heavy play session. Just warm water in the vagina though! Soap and scented products can cause you more problems than you're already having.

This advice should help keep everyone healthy!


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