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Showing posts from March, 2012

I Have Accepted a Position

On the Baltimore TNG Steering Committee. I've mentioned TNG groups in the blog before, they are groups located around the world that serve the kink community in the 19-35 age range. They help younger kinksters get acquainted with the scene and offer educational classes, resources, happy hours and events.

Article: Subject for Debate: Are Women People?

 A friend of mine sent me this article, and like usual i get to sit here and get pissed off about it. At least the media is catching on. Really. I'm female, not inferior. More updates on this later, i've got to get to work. Subject for Debate: Are Women People? I’ve always assumed that women are fully autonomous human citizens—who vote, even!—but now I’m not so certain By Jessica Winter | @winterjessica | March 7, 2012 | Read more: All my adult life, I’ve been pretty sure I’m a sentient, even semi-competent human being. I have a job and an apartment; I know how to read and vote; I make regular, mostly autonomous decisions about what to eat for lunch and which cat videos I will watch whilst eating my lunch. But in the past couple of months, certain powerful figures in media and politics have cracked open that certitude. You see, like most women, I was born with the chromosome abnorma...

What is Real BDSM Anyway?

 Taking a page out of Nagabot's book and going a bit more personal on the blog. This was from last Thursday's (3/15) Rope Bite at Chateau Broxy. Hammer likes to tie up pretty girls and do naughty things to them. Kamm wasn't feeling so hot so he didn't come with me. However, i had a great time.  Have i mentioned i like rope? Have i also mentioned stun guns make me cry? Hammer had Perfectly_Bound go grab his "brand new pretty pink toy" i decided to play 20 questions since he wouldn't show me what it was. No wonder everyone laughed when i asked "is it insertible?" He didn't actually hit me with it. That honor belongs to Lynk... Shit. My plan is to add some photographs i have from scenes i've done. Other people may be obscured, but hopefully it won't detract from the images, i just won't post pictures of people without their permission. There is quite a backlog of photos to go through. So with this and the 30 days of kink project i ...

How do you safe word when you forget you can talk?

How do you safe word when you forget you can talk? I don't generally post a lot of personal stuff like this to the blog, but it is extremely important for others to know that even in the most controlled environments something can go wrong. I will post an updated fet writing below about how i have had to alter my play styles based on a quirk that happens to me when i get pushed into deep subspace; i get non-verbal.  Below is a list of what i am planning on using to help me work through this issue. A friend of mine told me "tapping out" is a safe "word" he and his submissive use. In this instance that would not have worked for me because my hands were bound. Typically, people worry if a bottom is blindfolded and gagged. I had no gag and no blindfold, i was perfectly able to voice my colors but i forgot that i could talk. As i mention at the bottom of the writing i will start trying to use the flag or scarf dropping method of "safe wording." ----...

30 Days of Kink day 5: What was your first kinky sexual experience?

This isn't a cop out, i legit don't recall having a "first kinky sexual experience." My first encounter with CurtisMercury was a threesome with Kamm and it wasn't particularly kinky, just really sexy and fun. It kind of just very slowly developed into D/s play.  I had to ask Kamm to get more D/s-ey.  Although if we want to go back really far... I did tie up my high school boyfriend with a dog collar.

Just keep digging that hole, Rick.

Just keep digging, just keep digging. There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July. Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all of them if he's elected president. Once the U.S. Constitution is amended to prohibit same-gender marriages, "their marriage would be invalid," the former Pennsylvania senator said Dec. 30 in an NBC News interview. "We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law." The comments didn't attract nearly as much attention as Santorum's recent invocation of his Catholic faith to denounce government support for birth control, prenatal testing and resource conservation - which, in the last case, he attributed to President Obama's "phony theology." But his declared intention to nullify past as wel...

Oklahoma is.. Well, read this:

Click on the picture for the associated article.  I feel exactly the same way GOP. Stay out of my vagina.