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How do you safe word when you forget you can talk?

How do you safe word when you forget you can talk?
I don't generally post a lot of personal stuff like this to the blog, but it is extremely important for others to know that even in the most controlled environments something can go wrong. I will post an updated fet writing below about how i have had to alter my play styles based on a quirk that happens to me when i get pushed into deep subspace; i get non-verbal.  Below is a list of what i am planning on using to help me work through this issue. A friend of mine told me "tapping out" is a safe "word" he and his submissive use. In this instance that would not have worked for me because my hands were bound. Typically, people worry if a bottom is blindfolded and gagged. I had no gag and no blindfold, i was perfectly able to voice my colors but i forgot that i could talk. As i mention at the bottom of the writing i will start trying to use the flag or scarf dropping method of "safe wording."


This will tie into my writing "A Bottoms Guide to Playing it Safe" but for now it is a PSA to anyone i may play with.

The farther i get pushed into subspace, the LESS verbal i get. It got to the point in a scene last night (3/10) were i should have colored (yellow, and red) and i DIDN'T because i literally forgot that i could talk.

I'M FINE NOW. Luckily i play with people who can tell the difference between good scream and tears and bad scream and tears, but if they didn't, it could have gotten very very ugly.
  • Kamm speaks to anyone new before i play with them, even if it is just a "hi, how are you, what are you going to do with my toy?"
  • i am hypersensitive. This means that i feel sensation differently than other people. i feel pain differently especially. My 4 on the pain scale is probably a normal persons 2.
  • The farther into subspace i get, the less i talk. If we are talking during a scene and i stop responding, CHECK IN WITH ME.
  • during intense scenes, especially if i'm screaming, CHECK IN WITH ME.
  • check in can be any of the following or a variation of the following: pause, come close to my ear and ask if everything is alright // do i need something changed // give me a chance to speak. Until i figure out how to fix this issue, the scenes i do will need to have these kind of pauses.
  • my trachea (specifically the indent) is OFF LIMITS, it is a bad trigger.
  • the pressure point in the center of my sternum below the trachea indent is also OFF LIMITS, it is a bad trigger.
  • Warm up is necessary.
  • Aftercare is necessary for 90% of the scenes i do. If i'm crying i will most likely need aftercare.
  • If i am bound or otherwise in subspace and you would like to engage in oral or hand sex, warm up is necessary. These kinds of sex are hard for me to get into. Arouse me and everything will be fine.
That said, i love the rest of my throat played with, i like gags and blindfolds, i like being bound. i like bondage. This will not stop me from playing, but it will force me to change how i play. I hate having to have SRS LIST like this but Kamm was right when he told me something could go seriously wrong and i could hate BDSM forever because something really, really bad happened to me. I do operate under the RACK flag, i am aware i could cause harm to myself. The above goes for intense scenes. If we're doing something fun and light hearted (ie bondage and molestation) these don't really apply, but if you've played with me before and are planning on playing with me again we can chat about this. Hopefully this will NEVER be an issue ever again, but in the event that it is it is my responsibility to communicate that to my play partners, playmates and tops.

I plan on trying out using a scarf/bandana to drop as a safe word instead of relying so much on speaking. i have a feeling it would help a lot.


  1. I like when you share personal stories.

    Also, I don't think this qualifies for the tag of nothing interesting...

    Also, I just now realized the tag "nothing interesting" is actually spelled "nothng interesting" - on purpose??

    1. You get to hear all the personal stories anyway :p

      Also, almost every post in the blog is tagged with the nothng interesting tag haha.


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