Yesterday, my boot blacking mentor gave me a small basic kit as a gift. I've very very very recently gotten into boot blacking. At the last Cigars Boots & Chocolate i spoke to one of the boot blacks that attends, and a good friend of mine, @Kingpin. He said if i ever wanted to learn to let him know. Well... i thought about it and decided boot blacking would be something i am very interested in doing. My new mentor and Daddy helped me build a kit. Daddy gave me a few pieces he had from his shoe shine kit.
First i did my cuff. Then i did my regular wear boots. Then Daddy did one of his boots and i did the other. Earlier today i cleaned and conditioned my satchel.
Here's to doing more boot blacking at Charm City Fetish Fair (in between teaching).
Pictures: (right: my new kit) (below: boots before and after. You can see how dirty they were, the leather is actually black, as in the after picture. Not brown like in the before) (below: my hand covered in polish ;) ).
First i did my cuff. Then i did my regular wear boots. Then Daddy did one of his boots and i did the other. Earlier today i cleaned and conditioned my satchel.
Here's to doing more boot blacking at Charm City Fetish Fair (in between teaching).
Pictures: (right: my new kit) (below: boots before and after. You can see how dirty they were, the leather is actually black, as in the after picture. Not brown like in the before) (below: my hand covered in polish ;) ).
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