I'm not a woo creature. I'm either woo-blind, or I don't hear in woo-frequency. Whatever it is, woo is never something that has registered to me. I do understand energy to some level, and the all important spoon theory, but, I've wanted to understand my interaction with energy and why some things impact me the way they do for a long time. I had a conversation with my roommate, recently that was very eye opening. I'd been fishing with Daddy over Independence Day weekend. I thought maybe we'd go out for a few hours and catch some fish and come home and spend there rest of the day doing each other. I was wrong. We were out from noon to past sunset. We made it back to my house around 10pm. I beat out Daddy, I would have kept staying until the light really went. I was having that much fun. How the fuck was my broken ass able to walk around the woods and river, be in the sun, and fish for NINE straight hours? I can't tell you the last time I did anything for ni...
Stories from the life and adventures of Ren Laine, resident Executive Pervert, Bootblack, Coyote and event coordinator. [she/her][they/them][that bitch]