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Showing posts from August, 2011

My Journey to Non-Monogamy

I've got a lot of things milling around my mostly mushy brain right now.  I had a very intense rope scene last night with a wonderful rigger and it's no small matter my brain is still off, but unusually sharp today. I talk to a lot of conventionally thinking single men and women about why I am in an open relationship. Almost none of them get why and that's alright. It took me years to get to where I am today and every day has been a journey where I have learned something be it good or bad about myself and others. There have been a lot of ups, a lot of downs and a lot of situations where I've cried either for joy, or shame.  I'd like to talk about my personal journey to non-monogamy. In any of my past relationships, a non monogamous commitment would have never worked because neither I nor my partners trusted each other enough to allow this to happen. I've dated good guys, I've dated jealous guys I've dated immature guys, but none of them were right f...

The Hivemind Vagina

This concept is something I see all the time.  Not just with swingers but with almost any single man I talk to.  If I am not their cup of tea (or more usually, if I am not interested in them sexually) they always go for the "other hot girls" question. "Do you have any hot friends that you think would like me/would be interested in me/you could introduce me to?" Insert any variation of that question here.  Somehow, guys think it's a good idea to pester her about her single female friends, or her hot swinger female friends.  If you have any respect for yourself or the girl you're with. Don't ever ask one of these questions. Now I shall explain to you why you should not do this.  It's insulting. Also, girls aren't really into setting their good friends up with creepos they don't know very well.  Introducing "you" to one of her girlfriends means she's vouching for you; that you aren't creepy, or a douche bag or an ass.  She ...

Single Male Curiosity-Viewer Question

This  question was emailed to one of Kamm and I's accounts on a separate website,  in order to keep the identity of the asker a secret I've removed any identifying information and the website name itself.  Kamm and I aren't actually married yet, but since everyone refers to us as a married couple we just let it slide. I am new to [this website] and I am curious about a few things, sorry to bother you, just consider it a newbie question. If you, as a married couple, are open to straight men joining you, what about that excites you, as a man? I noticed a lot of Ad's from young couples asking for playmates for their wives, I never considered that agreeable, does that not bother either of you? I am just asking some couples near my home location cause the idea of making love to another mans wife concerns me, like I dont want to get shot or anything, you know? And if that is something you as a couple are ok with, how does a man like myself ask another man to mak...

Book Review "The Human Pony" by Rebecca Wilcox

T he Human Pony Rebecca Wilcox While I cannot condone the use of a metal bit in a human mouth, this book makes me so incredibly happy.  I ordered it off Amazon about a week ago and have been siting at the front door waiting for fedex ever since. This is the best seventeen dollars I've ever spent. The book is a 140 page photographed masterpiece that I read in a few hours.  The photographs are stunning, the format is easy to read and understand and the text is large.  If you are interested in pony play, any kind of pony play, this is an absolute must-have of a book.  BDSM, sexual/stud, dressage, cart, work, any pony and their trainer can benefit from this book. It addresses all aspects and how they are different from one another. The book also goes over tips and tricks for figuring out your inner pony and offers ideas on how to get both pony and trainer onto the same page, which is quite important. You wouldn't want a sadist as your trainer if you are a pony wh...

Identity Crisis

As you've probably noticed... I keep changing the bracketed title up at the top. That's because I've got a four second attention span and I want to make it an ongoing gag to change it to whateverthefuck I want and just enjoy it. If you've got ideas tweet them over to me (@indeykink) and I'll change the title up. This very special sleep deprived episode of the EWA blog is about names and who knows them and what they are. I've got a bunch of names. One of them is my legal name, one is a scene name, one is an artist name, one is a pen name, it goes one.  My legal name does not go here. My pen name is Jaine Lane, all my modeling stuff goes under that. My artist name also doesn't go here, but if you hunt real hard (or ask real nicely) I'll offer it up, and then of course there is my scene name; indey. The reason for so many names is because they are all linked to different things that have different levels of transparency. I don't want my family to ...

Stretching Piercings

I know I already have a post talking about piercings, but I don't go into changing the sizing of those piercings there.  I've been stretching my nipple piercings (you read that right) for a few years now and wanted to talk about the process. Stretching a piercing is the act of enlarging the fistula (piercing path) to be able to wear larger gauge jewelry.  It's a long and involved process that can involve a lot of back-tracking.  There should be little to no actual pain or blood associated with stretching. If you're in serious pain, or bleeding, here's a hint; You're Doing It WRONG . A little bit of stinging is normal. Get your jewelry.  Make sure it's measured and clean.  I clean using dial and warm water. I don't necessarily get my stretching jewelry autoclaved (new piercing jewelry is always autoclaved).  When it comes to stretching, you want a lot of lube.  I recommend oils, since they don't evaporate and generally don't cause allergic r...

Hello August

Oh jesus this month is gonna be FUN.  More fetish events, renfest, viewer questions (!!!) Well.. One viewer question. And Hello to all my friends and cousins who've managed to find the blog... Derp. This gets really TMI-ey, encase you haven't noticed. Just sayin'.. D is trying to talk to me about the Presidential election next year (in the US) and I fucking hate Presidential election years because everyone goes off on the smear campaign (which is one of the things I love about Obama, he doesn't need to get down to that level). That said I also think he needs to grow a spine.... Anyway. We went back to Our Local BDSM Play place and had an incredible fucking time, most intense knife session yet. More on that later. Also, if you love me you'll follow me on twitter so you can listen to my incessant ramblings.  @eroticwetatomic.