This concept is something I see all the time. Not just with swingers but with almost any single man I talk to. If I am not their cup of tea (or more usually, if I am not interested in them sexually) they always go for the "other hot girls" question. "Do you have any hot friends that you think would like me/would be interested in me/you could introduce me to?" Insert any variation of that question here. Somehow, guys think it's a good idea to pester her about her single female friends, or her hot swinger female friends.
If you have any respect for yourself or the girl you're with. Don't ever ask one of these questions.
Now I shall explain to you why you should not do this. It's insulting. Also, girls aren't really into setting their good friends up with creepos they don't know very well. Introducing "you" to one of her girlfriends means she's vouching for you; that you aren't creepy, or a douche bag or an ass. She can't guarantee that so she's not going to introduce you to her hot friends, or invite you to have a threesome with her and one of her girlfriends.
Trying to get in a girls pants, or get with one of her hot friends? Talk to the girl, OR her hot friend. Pick one and stick with it. We can tell when you're talking to one of us, get rejected and then try your luck elsewhere. We can see it, we can smell it and we don't like it.
Move on, there is nothing to see here.
If you have any respect for yourself or the girl you're with. Don't ever ask one of these questions.
Now I shall explain to you why you should not do this. It's insulting. Also, girls aren't really into setting their good friends up with creepos they don't know very well. Introducing "you" to one of her girlfriends means she's vouching for you; that you aren't creepy, or a douche bag or an ass. She can't guarantee that so she's not going to introduce you to her hot friends, or invite you to have a threesome with her and one of her girlfriends.
Trying to get in a girls pants, or get with one of her hot friends? Talk to the girl, OR her hot friend. Pick one and stick with it. We can tell when you're talking to one of us, get rejected and then try your luck elsewhere. We can see it, we can smell it and we don't like it.
Move on, there is nothing to see here.
I love the title, "The Hivemind Vagina." Also, I like your points about the "any hot friends?" If we aren't clicking, then why do you think that you'll click with my friends? If I know someone that I think will suit you, then I'll mention it.