As you've probably noticed... I keep changing the bracketed title up at the top. That's because I've got a four second attention span and I want to make it an ongoing gag to change it to whateverthefuck I want and just enjoy it. If you've got ideas tweet them over to me (@indeykink) and I'll change the title up.
This very special sleep deprived episode of the EWA blog is about names and who knows them and what they are. I've got a bunch of names. One of them is my legal name, one is a scene name, one is an artist name, one is a pen name, it goes one. My legal name does not go here. My pen name is Jaine Lane, all my modeling stuff goes under that. My artist name also doesn't go here, but if you hunt real hard (or ask real nicely) I'll offer it up, and then of course there is my scene name; indey.
The reason for so many names is because they are all linked to different things that have different levels of transparency. I don't want my family to find out about things they don't want to read about, like what I do in front of a camera, or what goes in my vagina. My (BDSM) scene name isn't connected to anything except itself (and maybe my twitter account) because it doesn't need to be. Many of our great friends in the scene have alter names that they request to be called and credited by. It wasn't until I'd been speaking to some of these people for some time that I understood the necessity and the want for a scene-specific name.
Obviously there are things like work or school or parents that can't or shouldn't find out about some aspects of your life without serious repercussion. Or in my case, I'm still not sure what my parents were thinking when they named me. I've got a common enough name, but they didn't feel the necessity to come up with gender dependent versions of the name, the full name is not for me, so I go as a gender neutral shortened version. The problem with this is that people think I'm a guy, a lot. Especially when their first exposure to meeting me is not in person. It's annoying, because people take it as a male-centric name (even though it's really not) and then call me mister! .... Not cool man, not cool.
In short, D has changed his scene name to Kamm, and I'll be referring to him as such from now on. I'll be referring to myself as Indey, and so will he (for his entries). I just wanted to give you all a heads up before I started confusing everyone again.
Love you all, I'll try to give you more exciting tidbits to chew on. I need to make an entry about scenes, and a few book reviews, and other things. The list grows and grows!
The reason for so many names is because they are all linked to different things that have different levels of transparency. I don't want my family to find out about things they don't want to read about, like what I do in front of a camera, or what goes in my vagina. My (BDSM) scene name isn't connected to anything except itself (and maybe my twitter account) because it doesn't need to be. Many of our great friends in the scene have alter names that they request to be called and credited by. It wasn't until I'd been speaking to some of these people for some time that I understood the necessity and the want for a scene-specific name.
Obviously there are things like work or school or parents that can't or shouldn't find out about some aspects of your life without serious repercussion. Or in my case, I'm still not sure what my parents were thinking when they named me. I've got a common enough name, but they didn't feel the necessity to come up with gender dependent versions of the name, the full name is not for me, so I go as a gender neutral shortened version. The problem with this is that people think I'm a guy, a lot. Especially when their first exposure to meeting me is not in person. It's annoying, because people take it as a male-centric name (even though it's really not) and then call me mister! .... Not cool man, not cool.
In short, D has changed his scene name to Kamm, and I'll be referring to him as such from now on. I'll be referring to myself as Indey, and so will he (for his entries). I just wanted to give you all a heads up before I started confusing everyone again.
Love you all, I'll try to give you more exciting tidbits to chew on. I need to make an entry about scenes, and a few book reviews, and other things. The list grows and grows!
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