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FetFEST 2012; Reflections

I've been trying to write on the blog about FetFEST since Monday, and that's not happening. Let's try a different approach...
FetFest, like other large events seemed to be a culminating event for me. I worked through a lot of shit, one of my regrets is not working through, and accepting more things.

I never realized how much the storm at Fusion12 impacted me. Having a full 3 nights and 4 days to play and connect really showed me what this is about. My attitude coming out of FetFest12 is entirely different, probably because i didn't spend 48 hours trying to trick myself out of having a panic attack.

Daddy and i arrived at camp Thursday evening and set up the tent in the dark. It was fun, and we finally got everything set up around 10pm. Friday was spent running around doing volunteer work and helping TNG Village come to life, taking time to swim nude.

It was strange, while i had a welcome overabundance of amazing friends and chosen family i was lacking my play partners, at least for the kind of play i'm usually craving. (Sexually intense and very physical). I put an add on the door to Starfucks, hoping a switchy or topy military Boy would come seek me out. I've got a default type, and while not all of my partners fit it exactly, it's easy to see why it's a thing for me. I did end up meeting and messing a few hot people after the fact, which was awesome. I really need to work on getting my ass in gear and going up to someone and looking them in the eye and going "Hi, i'm indey and i think you're cute." Next time...

That night i tried fire hugging with Bunny. It was a super intense experience. Fire is a serious phobia of mine (literally, can't even light a regular lighter, the closest i can come to making fire is with a grill lighter). That exhausted me entirely, and Daddy put me to bed.

Saturday i took one class; intro to erotic hypnosis and learned a ton. I took notes for Daddy. I wish i had more time to stop by the Hypnosis village at see the instructor with Daddy in tow, but we didn't have time. After class i had a hair cut with the wonderful @DarienIlRe, who gave my mane a much needed overhaul.  I had one legitimate scene at FetFest and i loved it. It was with Lynk (big surprise) on Saturday. Needles. That sadistic jerk* loves to do things to me i'm terrified of. Really, it's why we get along so well.

Earlier in the day he gave me a little spindly thing with a glass bead handle and said "hold onto this, don't break it or lose it." Eventually i figured out what it was... A carbon fiber stick. The first time i did needles was at DO Winter Fire. Lynk stuck 6 in my upper back and did some mean-ass-shit to them. This time, he stuck 10 in the skin on my breasts and lased them together. He hit the buried tips with the evil stick. He put 1/2'' shorts in my thighs, that may have been a hard limit months ago.  But so was putting them in my breasts.  Lynk has an amazing ability to push my limit *just* far enough. One of the needles actually caught a vein and blood slowly filled the head. May be interested in exploring a little bit of blood play, as that was strangely hot. The scene left me calm, but energized. A far reach from where i thought i'd end up; completely exhausted.  After my scene, i ran off to get to the Pet Players Social Gathering that i'd organized. We had fantastic turn out, about 15 people at the largest. All different kinds of pets, tops, bottoms, wild animals, and even people new to pet play. It was everything i'd hoped the social could be. We eventually went down to bouncy town and surprised the littles. Oh, and @Beemo made us bacon.

There is a lot more that happened, but considering it's taken me a week to get this part up, i'll be doing this in a few parts. I'm so bad at writing about event experiences. ><;

*Term of endearment


  1. Goodness, it sounds like a wonderful time. Your telling of events always makes me wish I was there to watch, and this tale is no exception. I love the way you push and explore. Thank you for sharing and for showing the good ways to do things.

    Stay SINful
    Mr. AP


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