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Birth Control and Swinging Part I - Condoms

I'll start this off by saying I'm not a doctor so if you have any questions about your specific sexual or overall health, your health care practitioner would be the person to as ('cause they know stuff about your dangly bits and whatnot).

This is going to be a multi-installment segment in the blog. I tried doing this in one fell swoop and it got very very overwhelimg.  I've been on some form of contraception since I started having sex, and since then, I've found a lot of good information, and a whole lot of bad information.  These posts are to help weed out some of the bad stuff.   There is a lot of research that goes into these posts.  For this post I seem to have lost my resources,  I'll post the list as soon as I find it.

So, a vast majority of swingers don't swing to get children sired by different fathers. There is a fetish for this, that fetish is not tied to swinging, it is very very separate. Like super extra double deluxe separate.  I believe it has to do with a kind of cuckolding breeding fetish? I don't have that fetish so I can't tell ya. (Do you have that fetish? Tell me about it!) These posts will be about avoiding unwanted pregnancy, infections and diseases, and keeping everyone safe.  Please don't take my writing as gospel, I would encourage everyone to do their own research in their own way. For every piece of information I have here, there are another hundred I am probably missing. Check back frequently, as I will most likely be updating these posts often.

Birth control. There are many many different types. I will go over the pros and cons of each and how they relate to swinging and what they do to your body and protect you from. Read on!

"Condoms may not protect from everything, but neither do seat belts - they are just the most practical and effective choice at hand to reasonably minimize risk." SLS user "catnipfun." 

Condoms (male)
Barrier method: Condoms are pretty universal and are easy to use. They are easy to find. They protect against pregnancy about 71-98% success rate (I literally found a hundred different precentages Those are the high and low ends of the spectrum. I was always told in health class and by my doctor that condoms, when used correctly, have about a 94% success rate). Ok on their own, but good to add to other methods.  Condoms are good because you can switch them between partners. Latex and polyurethane and other synthesized types of condoms are great because they protect against many STD/STIs like AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. No condom can protect fully against HPV or genital warts. Natural condoms (like lambskin) do not protect against anything other than pregnancy, and I would not recommend them for swinging based on that alone.  You can get condoms at any pharmacy, supermarket or health clinic. Some clinics even give them out for free. 

Condoms are a little pricier than I think they should be, especially for good brands or the polyisoprene or polyurethane ones (like Trojan supras or Durex avanti bare). You also have non-latex options for those that are allergic or want to switch it up. What sucks about any condom is that they taste like lube and latex/plastic even if you buy the flavored ones. Then it's like giving head to a balloon.

Always remember to double check the expiration date on condoms.  Also, don't leave them in the car or in your wallet in your pants.  Ladies, if you ever see a guy pull a condom out of his wallet, toss it and grab one of your own. Heat does bad things to the latex and other materials that make up condoms and makes them more likely to break. Also, don't open them with your teeth. It may seem like a good idea, especially if you've got slippery fingers, but you can accidentally bite the condom while it's in the package and puncture it, leading to all of the problems you wanted to avoid by using one in the first place.

Never flush a condom down the toilet.  I don't know how many people I've had to yell at about this, but they are not flush-able. They will eventually clog your pluming and no one wants to deal with rank jizz water pouring out all over the floor.  Roll it up in a tissue, and toss it in the trash.  Feel free to run the thing under the sink and fill it with water (like a water balloon) and check for any tears or leaks, or just to rinse out the cream filling so your bathroom doesn't smell like semen.

If you find you are getting chafed, or that sex is getting uncomfortable, keep a bottle of lube handy.  Even the hottest college co-ed can get some dryness when using condoms.  It's nothing to be ashamed about, it happens to everyone.  Keeping the condom, penis, and vagina/anus/whatever well lubed will also prevent condom breakage. 

The video below I found on youtube. It goes over the correct way to apply and remove a condom. Always hold the base of the condom when pulling out.


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