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A special kind of unending rage

I encountered this today.. I joined a website called SwingerZoneCentral to check out (it was highly recommended on the swingersboard so I made an account and filled out a profile.  You figure that this would end as how my usual new profile making ends--with lots of pictures of dicks, and lots of offered cell numbers for some quick blow jobs. Basically I get to lol around and delete a bunch of emails from guys who can't read.

Among the dick pix and the cell numbers, I got a message from this guy. This guy takes the fucking cake. This is word for word the email I received:
"Just a couple points cheater. You keep mentioning the age range you desire but nowhere in your proifle do you state your age, moron. That may wouldn't you think? Duh!!!!!!!!!! I am really tired of cheating sluts being on this swinger site. You are not a swinger. Swin-gers are either committed couples or singles who only swing within a certain group of people. Maybe you should get permission from your "partner" before you partake in a lifestyle you apparently know nothing about. So please go to a cheating whore site as you would be more acepted there."
 Now, I made a decision not to directly link any of my active profiles to this blog because this blog is not about getting me some strange, this blog is about spreading information and telling hot stories and ranting about assholes like Mr.BitchFace up there.  However, I do have a very specific section on rules and what they are.  One of the rules that D and I have is he meets anyone I'm thinking about getting naked with. Why? Because that's what works for us, that's why. I can't figure out a way I can cheat on him with this system..Unless I grab some ether and we have a little party with a rag and a choke hold. D likes to shake their hands so I suppose I'd have to make some elaborate human marionette set up to make it totally believable. I can grab some fishing line, it would be invisible and totally realistic!

I don't claim to be an expert on swinging or open relationships. However, I do have experience with them and I enjoy telling others about my experiences.  I never talk to my real life close vanilla friends about this. That is a decision I made when we first started getting into swinging. I just don't want to change the way those people feel and think about me and I know it would cause some awkward situations. I love my close friends, but this isn't for them.  That is the reason I have this blog.

This email touches on another post I'd made, about guys assuming things.  To anyone who reads this.. Please, please, please don't make assumptions about people you don't know and have never spoken to.  I wish I could downplay how angry receiving this message made me but I can't. It actually brought back some painful memories from an ex (mostly the repeated whore talk) and I had to calm down before I wrote this. I was seething with fury, shaking, I was so angry, seeing red kind of angry. I hadn't felt that in such a long time and I am almost embarrassed that this fuck faces' words are what made me feel like that.  I responded to that jackass (not posted) and I'll update if he responds.


On an entirely different note.. I've got some posts lined up about our first meeting with swingers and red flags and stuff.


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