It disgusts me that one human being can spread so much hate, idiocy and bigotry all in the name of "God." I find it difficult to articulate the absolute repulsion I feel for people like this. Seriously, my skin is crawling having to even think of words to make this entry. I think the only people that make me feel even worse are the Westboro Baptist Church (Fred Phelps) but he is such a fucking nut job that I can kind of get over that. But Harold Camping has his own radio show that I sometimes pass while looking for NPR. According to Mr. Camping, the world is going to end on May 21, 2011 (which is also D's birthday encase anyone is wondering, srsly) because of "the gays." As if "the gays" are a reason for anything to happen (except for sexy parties).
Fundamentalist Christians just cherry pick and rose-glass their way through the bible, browsing along like a choosy mom in the supermarket picking only the most obscure items in the store. Then bringing them home and preparing them for their poor, unsuspecting family. The thing about Harold Camping is that he is the only magical person that can ..decode the bible and get the exact date of the rapture. Even though the bible itself states (Matthew 24:36) "But of that day and hour, no ones knows, no, not even the ages of heaven, but My Father only." (Thanks!)
I suppose now is the part where I say that I am offended because he's misinterpreting God, and that is the worst thing anyone can do ever. Except that I can't pull that card because I'm a low-down, no-good, baby-eating, atheist. Oops's out of the bag now.
Well, I'm off to go enjoy some fetus fingers in dipping sauce, see you all on the 22nd.
(PS don't forget about the t-shirt give-away)
Fundamentalist Christians just cherry pick and rose-glass their way through the bible, browsing along like a choosy mom in the supermarket picking only the most obscure items in the store. Then bringing them home and preparing them for their poor, unsuspecting family. The thing about Harold Camping is that he is the only magical person that can ..decode the bible and get the exact date of the rapture. Even though the bible itself states (Matthew 24:36) "But of that day and hour, no ones knows, no, not even the ages of heaven, but My Father only." (Thanks!)
I suppose now is the part where I say that I am offended because he's misinterpreting God, and that is the worst thing anyone can do ever. Except that I can't pull that card because I'm a low-down, no-good, baby-eating, atheist. Oops's out of the bag now.
Well, I'm off to go enjoy some fetus fingers in dipping sauce, see you all on the 22nd.
(PS don't forget about the t-shirt give-away)
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