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And this is... The Creep

 So... The following is a word for word IM conversation I had with someone on a dating site who was trying to speak to me for a few days, I didn't even correct my spelling mistakes, it's that wurdfurword.  Generally, I put up with a lot of shit, but when I get uncomfortable I say something. I say something because it is fully within my right to inform someone who is speaking to me that they are making me feel ill at ease.  Normal people would apologize and stop doing whatever it was that they were doing.  On the internet, people have a different idea of what an appropriate response is. Some guys seem to think the easiest way to get into a girls pants is to beat them like they were a baby seal. Some girls might enjoy the attitude, but I'm not one of them.  I'll reiterate.. I'm on dating websites to meet people and fuck them. The hard work has already been done! All they have to do is behave themselves.

D thought I should include more personal stories (don't worry, names and dates will be changed to protect the innocent since I know at least one of my other partners reads this blog. Hi!). I'm quite sure this is not what he meant...

The moral of this blog entry is that no one should have to put up with shit that makes them feel uncomfortable. You don't have to be ashamed for not wanting to talk about a certain topic or accept certain compliments because you feel uneasy.  People that tell you otherwise are assholes and you don't have to speak to them. It took me a long time to figure out I didn't have to put up with other peoples emotional issues, baggage and bigotry. I'm going a little far here for the context of the conversation below, but I might get into the story of my most emotionally abusive relationship at a later date and this is a primer for it.
[HIM] Hello Stunning Girl Oh, hey!
[ME] lol hi
How are you, gorgeous?
I'm fine
I'll say. ;)
I'll just let you know now that those kind of comments really aren't doing you any favors..
You don't want me to tell you that I think you're incredibly beautiful?
You should know that the majority of my conversation is not so shallow. :) But I do like to compliment you a little bit. We'd be naive to assume that your beauty isn't an attractant to me. 
the comments just come off a kinda creepy from people i dont really know
I apprecaite that you think I'm attractive, but 3 times in a row mentioning it is too much
You think its creepy that I've seen your pictures and find you to be attractive? That's... peculiar.
three times in a row, you mention it
Hm, well, I am sorry you feel that way.
I like to flirt and such, and ... well, obviously you don't.
 I don't flirt with people I haven't gotten to know and dont have (or have yet to) form an attaction to
 I talk to A LOT of people here, most of them who I have no intentions to ever meet, I can't flirt with everyone
I flirt a lot, and I am rather hoping not to be in the "no intention" barrel.
maybe it works for other girls?
*shrugs* I'm kind of feeling like you're basically telling me that you're not interested.
Im very particular about how I do things
it's all mentioned at the bottom of my profile
 I don't talk for days, I talk for weeks
that gives me a good enough idea of if Id like to meet someone in person and start that process
 Yes, I know, we've gone over that.
 You notice that I'm not asking you to meet or anything of the sort, eh?
 Even though, personally, I think its... monotonous to continually IM someone. I'd rather meet and find out if there is a RL connexion. But, I thought you were interesting enough to warrant talking to by this very limited means.
I won't disagree that it's annoying lol
Anyhow... I don't know if you're in a bad mood or something today, but you have started to put me into one. I generally have enjoyed talking to you, so I'm going to just say goodbye for tonite, and maybe we can pick this up when you're not so dour.
Listen.. Thank you for the attempt? to get to know me, but I don't think we're compatible.
Of course not. I don't like people who are overly judgmental.
I'm judgemental for expressing my opinion about someting that makes me uncomfortable? Alright, I'm judgemental then.
I'd apprecaite it if you didn't message me again.
That's not a problem in the least for me. Its too bad, though, we did have a lot in common. Good luck in finding whatever it is you're looking for when you decide to stop hiding behind your keyboard.
This is not uncommon for internet dating sites, especially the marketed vanilla ones.   If you're going to be meeting people from the internet, watch out for assholes that don't care about you or your feelings, or just pretend to care.  Once you get your deluxe bullshit detector, you'll find it goes off all the time.  Don't compromise on your morals or your desires just because someone else thinks that it would be a good idea.  These things have block buttons for a reason, use them.

Let me show you specifically some of the "defense mechanisms"  that these guys throw at you to get you to feel bad or manipulate you.  "Its too bad, though, we did have a lot in common. Good luck in finding whatever it is you're looking for when you decide to stop hiding behind your keyboard." This pure manipulation; this guy was trying to make me feel bad for asking him to stop doing something he was getting off on. "Anyhow... I don't know if you're in a bad mood or something today, but you have started to put me into one. I generally have enjoyed talking to you, so I'm going to just say goodbye for tonite, and maybe we can pick this up when you're not so dour."Same thing, manipulating, or just being obnoxious.

This I get a lot "Even though, personally, I think its... monotonous to continually IM someone. I'd rather meet and find out if there is a RL connexion. But, I thought you were interesting enough to warrant talking to by this very limited means." My personal method is to literally talk for a few weeks, I'd prefer a month or two (or more, one of my current guys spoke to me for almost a year before we met in person).  Guys who think that is shitty call me on it "but you can't meet someone through the internet!" Surprise! You can meet people that way, and that's the method that works for me and D so I'd suggest guys talking to girls on the internet do what those girls ask you to do (as long as it's within reason).  If you don't want to spend 2 weeks chatting, then don't. But don't be annoyed when the person you're talking to lets you know that you aren't an option for happy naked fun time.

Ladies and Gents, don't put up with manipulative assholes.

On a separate note, if you want to hear me say things and see funny pictures in between blog posts,  follow me on twitter for fun in 140 characters or less ; @EroticWetAtomic


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