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DVP How To Guide

Someone on FetLife asked for an explanation of howDVP works. I know I already have a DVP entry in here, but here's an update. Also, holy hell. It's September!

DVP stands for double vaginal penetration and it is FANTASTIC. If you've got a vagina and you're into penetration and totally get off on it, you will probably like DVP. I'm 5'6'', 150 pounds and I've been doing this for almost 3 years. I've done it with smaller than average dicks, average dicks and bigger than average dicks and all combinations. I've seen a 5'2'' 100 pound girl take two larger than average dicks and enjoy the hell out of it. Body size is not a limiting factor.

Vaginas stretch, this is a fact. They also STRETCH BACK. You can go back to having pleasurable single partner sex within 2 minutes of DVP. Or at least I can, and so can everyone else I've ever spoken to about this. Don't worry. Vaginas in an aroused state are very flexible and happy.
This scenario works with 2 guys, 1girl. GuyA, GuyB and Girl.

GuyA lays on his back with a happy boner. Girl gets on top of GuyA, facing him and slowly leans forward until they are belly to belly. It generally helps if GuyA has a long enough dick to allow this to happen, but really there doesn't need to be a whole lot of length to make this work. GuyA has his legs together. Pro tip: Pull out your balls so you don't squish them between your thighs.
You might want GuyB to lube up a bit, even if you get really wet, I'd suggest a bit of extra lube. It makes everyone happy.

GuyB, has his legs outside to GuyA's legs. This gives him the position and angle necessary to thrust without a whole lot of work (GuyA should already be inside Girl). GuyB is the one doing most of the work in this scenario. GuyA and Girl aren't doing a whole lot of thrusting. Girl has her knees outside GuyB's knees. It might take a bit to get used to, readjust as necessary. GuyB (doggy stylish, behind Girl) slides his dick in beside GuyA's dick. Go slow, if you're both thick give Girl a chance to get adjusted and allow her vagina to get used to the...hmm..influx of activity. Once everyone is ready, GuyB thrusts :D

There may be some slippage, just pull out, line up and go again. It's fun and easy! :D

Safety Tip This is not a scenario that is safe if both men are wearing condoms. It is very important for at least one of the men to not be wearing a condom. If your play style does not allow this, Try a female condom, but the men will still be touching. Two male condoms together will rub and cause friction, this could cause breaking or slipping. I have NEVER had a problem with just a single guy in a DVP situation wearing a condom. No breaking, no slippage.

Hope that helped :)


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