Anyway, getting back to the topic of blog.
I think the number one question I get when I talk to a non-swinger about swinging is "but don't you get jealous?" And that is usually followed by a chorus of other similar questions (including but not limited to "what if you fall in love" "what if he has a bigger dick than your guy" "what if his girl has a tighter pussy than yours" "What if her boobs are bigger" etc, etc etc.) Important tidbit.. (assuming you are swinging as a couple) Another partner will never replace the relationship you and your significant other have. A bigger dick, or better head will not suddenly make your partner stop loving you. If you begin to have feelings for another partner or are feeling conflicted about interaction, talk to your significant other.
Now, swinging is not about finding better sex, or a partner with a bigger penis than your "main", its about having fun and having different experiences (at least according to my totally professional opinion.. ahem).
Compartmentalizing is extremely important in this lifestyle. Sex and love are not the same thing and it really takes a lot for people who are into the religious oriented monogamy mindset to overcome that mental hurdle (don't be sad, I had to get over it too, just for different reasons).
A lot of swingers (newbies especially) have certain rules that they need to feel comfortable. Some of these include keeping certain sexual acts just between themselves (kissing or anal sex are the top two I've found). With D and myself, it's not really like that. I'm not terribly big on anal (just a personal preference) but if I found a guy I wanted to do anal with D wouldn't be upset. What I would not recommend is breaking kissing up into certain "kinds" of kissing. I'm not saying these rules aren't valid and that they don't give a level of comfort to new swingers who want that "buffer" but in the heat of the moment that kissing rule especially can get thrown out the window and create some jealously issues.
Communication is so important in swinging. Talking out concerns or problems with your partner before they blossom into actual issues is integral to successful swinging.
There will be more on this later, my bearded dragon is asleep. I should probably go to bed.
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