Swinging is a MAGNIFIER.
This means that if your relationship is stable, swinging may enhance it. If your relationship is not stable, swinging will destroy it.
There are a hundred and one reasons that someone would decide not to swing. Originally, I was not a swinger. I had some moral implications and personal implications I had to figure out before I was able to accept the fact that this is something normal people do, and it's ok if I do it too.
I've basically been an atheist since I was 7, so I'm not entirely sure if one thing (religious orientation) and swinging (sexual lifestyle) have anything to do with each other. Most of the swingers D and I know are religious in some way, most of them are actually Pagan or Wiccan, but we have spoken to some Christian swingers and other Atheist swingers.
It takes time for some people (usually us girls) to get comfortable with the idea of swinging. This goes for couples, singles and poly groups. What you always want to do is go at the pace of the slower partner, or if you're a single, never let someone rush or push you into something you aren't comfortable with. Its not easy to bounce back from a negative experience with this lifestyle because it is so sensitive. Although, if you can compartmentalize (or you have a great sense of humor) you'll be fine.
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